Friday, July 31, 2009

Has anyone ever put their dog on Prozac for seperation anxiety?

I have a 15mth old Neapolitan Bullmastiff. She destroys everything when left alone. U can't leave her in a crate because she can get out, regardless of how it's locked. She has eaten holes in the walls, tore chunks out of the drywall around door facings, etc...This behavior did not start until last summer when we went on a 4day vacation. My brother was supposed to take care of her, and didn't do a very good job. Since then, she goes nuts when we get our keys, leave her site, etc... She has no behavior problems however when we are at home with her, other than she likes to check and make sure you're still there. Homeopathic process has not worked. Can not do behavior program due to there being 5 of us and I'm the only 1 willing to try it. Our vet is putting her on Prozac to help her. Has anyone else used it? How long does it take to work? Does it leave your dog dopey or will they still want to play, just have a lower stress level? I appreciate all help and any info. u can give
My vet also recommended Prozac for my dog when he had separation anxiety. I opted not to give it to him, however I heard it works really well.

Instead I showered him with attention when I was home. When I left the house at first, I would leave for only 5 minutes. When you go back in the house praise, praise, praise (if the dog has not destroyed anything). Reward with treats.

Then I slowly increased the time that I would wait outside. If you go back in, or hear through the door that the dog is into something, use your best disappointed voice and do not reward. However never hit the dog!

Dogs have to be "punished" very quickly after an incident, otherwise they don't know what they're being punished for. For example, if you leave at 2pm, the dog rips the couch at 4pm, and you don't get home until 7pm, the dog won't know what you're mad about. He forgot about the couch hours ago.

This method worked for me and my dog was pretty bad when we got him. However it took a lot of effort. You may want to combine this method with the Prozac.

After the dog is up to 30 minutes of good behaviour on his own, I would just keep increasing the times that you're away from the house.
Well, I didn't even know you could put a dog on Prozac, however, my husband takes it, and he does fine when left alone! No, I'm sorry, just trying to make light of the situation. Fortunatly, I've never been there, so I don't know. But, anti depressants do work on humans. if that helps any. ?

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