Thursday, July 30, 2009

Getting rid of ticks from my house and puppy!???

I have a little 2.5 month old puppy and it brought a tick with an assload of baby ticks into our house. How do I get them off of her and out of the house? P.S. I'm severly grossed out right now.
Don't be grossed out! The whole biology of ticks is rather fascinating!!

To remove them from your dog, use Frontline or Advantage. To get rid of them from your home, you need to treat your home for fleas/ticks. Try a premise spray like Adam's Home Spray. When treating the house, remember to remove all animals and children and to ventilate the house well. Wash all blankets and bedding that the dog may have laid on in a hot cycle in your washer. Ticks need to attach to stay alive so if they don't latch on to anyone in a few days, they will die off.
The best recommendation to remove a tick is to use a tweezers or commercially available tick removal device and pull the tick off. Do not touch the tick since diseases can be transmitted. Consider wearing gloves when removing a tick.

With a tweezers or tick removal device, grab the tick as close to the head as possible. With steady, gentle pressure, pull the tick out of the skin. Frequently, pieces of skin may come off with the tick.

If the head of the tick remains in the skin, try to grab it and remove as much as possible. If you are unable to remove the entire head, don't fret. This is not life threatening. Your pet's immune system will try to dislodge the head by creating a site of infection or even a small abscess.

Usually no additional therapy is needed, but if you are concerned, contact your family veterinarian. There are surgical instruments that can be used to remove the remaining part of the tick.

To prevent spreading""

Ticks may be killed by spraying, dipping, bathing, or powdering, or applying topical medications to affected individuals with appropriate tick-killing products. Tick collars or products applied topically may act to prevent attachment of new ticks and to promote detachment of ticks already attached.
From your puppy:

Soak a cotton ball with liquid dish soap. Press it on the tick on your dog and hold for a minute or two.The tick will back into the cotton ball. To kill the tick you have to burn it or scissor it in two. Those little suckers can live for months on nothing and squishing doesn't seem to work.
Take your pup to the vet or to your groomer and get it dipped or you can remove the tics yourself get an iodine baththe tics will fall of as far as your house the tics will die as they need blood to survive be careful they don't get on you though run the vac.untill the tics are gone i'd restrict your pup to one area.

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