Friday, July 31, 2009


How many of you out there adopted an ex racer (greyhound)?
I have and think they are awesome..
I love greyhounds!!!
what are your thoughts?
Like other breeds, greyhounds aren't for everybody. But for the person with some knowledge of the breed, they make a wonderful, lovable addition to the family. They are the most docile of all dogs, and are easy to care for. I have 5 right now. The first thing to do is some homework. Learning what life was like at the track will give you an insight to what they've gone through before they're adopted to loving homes.
I've fostered and transported many over the years. I highly recommend them to many people.

I'm a Whippet person, but someday if I have room, I'll probably add a GH.
I don't have an ex racer greyhound but I do have a Italin Greyhound, the miniture version, and I love him! He is sooooooo cute!!!
Hello there!
I think the greyhounds are very sweet and gentle from what I can tell. I learned a few things about them in my line of work that I found interesting. A lot of time and effort is involved with these ex racers.They are fostered for quite a while as they must get used to a normal life off the track., they are not great at climbing stairs, they need to get used to the idea of windows and sliding doors and if one is considering adopting one, small animals might not do well with them. I am glad there are people out there that are willing to devote that kind of love and time to these graceful dogs.
I don't have one, but I have read about them, I feel so sorry for them, and really, I just want to say that I am so thankful for people like you who will rescue those precious dogs, (and other dogs as well.)
my friend just went out of state for a 4 - 6 week intern program thing and she had adopted an ex-racer 2 weeks ago. anyway, she left it with me to babysit til she gets back. this is a great dog. her "leash manners" are amazing, never ever ever pulls even a little. and she hates stairs.
whats cool is you can look up her stats online, you know, see how many races she won/lost etc

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