Monday, May 24, 2010

HELP ME! What's wrong with my dog?!! OCD?

My dog seems to have OCD. He's a 6 yr old english bulldog and he can't stop smelling the door knobs on my tv unit cabinets (metal) and my coffee table legs (metal). He sniffs them for 2 or 3 seconds at a time, sits, sniffs, sits, sniffs...for about 20 min (nonstop) or until you stop him (and when you do try to stop him he ends up going back to it a few minutes later). It also makes him drool uncontrollably and profusley. A puddle can literally form by the tv unit or the coffee table. Those are the only two things in my home that he smells for long periods of time. I don't know if he's bored, stressed, obsessed or what. I asked the vet one time and all he said was "He probably just smells something he likes..." but I don't think he understood me. It's VERY ANNOYING and I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Your vet is probably right, the dog smells something he likes. He could just like the way the metal smells or feels to his nose.
You could try using Natures Miracle Best Behavior or Bitter Apple on those articles or make a concoction containing pepper and smearing it on them.

Honestly if it was my dog I'd just learn to ignore it. It doesn't sound like he's hurting anything and if he seems to enjoy it...

Did you see the skateboarding bulldog on the news this morning? What a riot!
He probably just likes the smell.. Take the knobs off and clean them VERY VERY well, then put them back and see if you get the same reaction.
I would suggest looking into his diet. People develop odd cravings when their diet is lacking something...does he lick the metal?
Dogs can be strange sometimes...that is the answer.

My dog will start licking the leather on the couch.not because something was spilled on it...just because she feels like it.
Please excuse my LONG answer. Please do not take offense if I say something that is an observation from what you've writen.

He is board. So hes finding something that intrests him (the knobs/coffee table) Your vets right he is probably smelling something he likes. Places you've been or where others who live there or come to visit have been. However if it something you wish him to stop, you do have the power to change it.

When the dog approches the cabinet/ coffee table and begins smelling the knobs CALMLY approch him take two fingers (your pointer and second finger) and do a quick but firm jab in the neck and say SHH just as firmly (or leave it. I use the phrase leave it with my girls and once I conditioned them to it I could and still can put a cookie on the floor and say leave it and they wont even look at it). You can also use an air horn, the point it to get his attention and let him know that its unaceptable and that there is a consiquince for it You need to do this EVERY time he goes for the knbos/coffee table. The important thing is to be have to do it EVERY time or it wont work and he will be confused and not know if he can or cannot smell them. If he is not crate trained try to block him off into the kitchen when you are not home.with a baby gate or something similar so that he doesnt have axcess to the knobs/coffee table. Also try to get some toys that you can hide treats in or dog food that he has to push around to get the food out. Kongs are great but they are just one of the MANY toys out there that can keep your dog entertained while you are out and it helps him constructively direct his focus (away from the knobs/coffee table and towards getting food).

Secondly give him some mental stimulation. If he is an indoor dog he probably gets sick of looking at the same stuff EVERY day. Even if you have a yard for him to exercise in you need to stimulate that. If he can play fetch, play fetch with him. If not you should take hime for a walk (2) twice a day minmum. Yes its have to get up and hour earlier or your tired when you come home from work...but really is it too much to give to your companion who adores you? loves you unconditionaly? I would say not.

When you walk your not let him lead you or walk in front of you. Use a choke chain place it up by his ears and walk if he tries to get in front of you or stop to smell something give a quick tug at the leash (DO NOT use a retractable leash) and a firm "SHH" or "leave it" do it every time. You will see improvement in your dogs behavior. By doing these things you will enhance the quality of you dogs life and give him mental and phisical stimulation. It time you should see his drooling problem decrease or go away...because he is not smelling the knobs or coffee table, and he will be more relaxed because hes able to release his energy. Most behavior issues from because the dog doesnt have the mental and physical stimulation that he needs. It doesnt mean you a bad means that you care enough to ask the that you have the answer its up to you to help you dog get over it.

I rcommend getting Ceasar Millans book, and watching the Dog Whisperer on National be able to more effectively put to use the tips that I've giving you. Its not about training...its about understaning the dog mind and how to use that to help them... hope this helps.
u try this site its useful for u

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