Friday, May 21, 2010

Have you ever heard of a dog drowning while swimming?

My dog is a ball freak %26 I'm afraid he'll get exhausted %26 just keep going. Is this something I need to worry about?
Yes it is. It is up to you to determine when hes had enough. I always limit the time my Goldens are out swimming and even in our pool. They dont know when they have had enough all they want to do is play and get that ball.
It's not as uncommon as you think Dogs drowned every day.
no but is that a joke
I have never heard of a dog drowning but if your dog is out swimming after a ball and doesn't realize it's time to come back in, it could happen. Maby just don't throw the ball out as far. That way your dog will not have to swim as far to get back. They have doggie life jackets if your that worried about it. They are cute and they do the job. They sit on there backs to keep them afloat and clip around there bellies.
my friends dog drowned in her mums swimming pool, but he did only have 3 legs
seriously, i saw one time a dog that drowned
it was pretty funny
Yes, that's why if you allow your dog to swim in your inground pool, it's important to show him where the steps are
and teach him how to get out.
Yes, dogs do drown. As a matter of fact, not all dogs swim. There are many breeds that, from a physics perspective, are absolute "sinkers" - bulldogs, pugs, bassets, etc. As for your dog, you need to monitor him closely. Dogs don't know their own limitations sometimes. You do. Watch out for him and have fun.

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