Friday, May 21, 2010

Have you ever wondered if dogs.....?

Can really speak and understand English and have a secret pact not to let us know, so they don't have to obey as much stuff?
well maybe but probably not but if they can understand us and knu it i would be so mad cause like poddy training for 1 year was so long id be so pissed off but they might not know so I'm glad that was really making me think thank you vary much!!!
I actually sometimes wonder if dogs are geniouses, I think maybe all animals in general could be like this. I guess we'll never know though, it will always be something to keep us up at night LOL.
LOL,yes I have wondered that! Thats so funny! I wonder if a dog that lives in France barks in french?
you never know, people don't know everything
actually maybe because when u tell them something they either listen or start whinning.
Yeah i do. then again I've seen all the movies where dogs talk Homeward bound 1%262,Good Boy,Norbit!!!!!
I wonder that a LOT. It seems like your dog knows what you're saying sometimes. If you are angry with them and you yell at them about something, they act guilty with their tails between their legs. And if you talk to them when your feeling bad, they always try to cheer you up. I don't know a whole lot about dogs, but I know that they are lazy sometimes, so good prediction.
lol, I bet you are right.
Of course they do!!! But a magically farie, a magial cat farie, to away their English...How sad...Or maybe humans are just to stupid to undstand dogs...Or somthing like that...

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