Friday, May 21, 2010

He won't stop eating my hair!?

My 10 week old puppy loves to eat my hair! To the point where he's pooping out strands of my hair too. How can I stop him from doing that? I don't want him having stomach problems and Im worried about his health if he continues to eat my hair.
My 11 week old pup likes to do the same thing :) She loves when I lay on the ground and play with her, but whenever she jumps to try to bite and chew my hair (I can always tell when she's moving in for "the kill"), I tell her "no chew", get up, and leave the room for a minute or two. She'll typically follow me with this, "Dude, what's up with that?" look on her face, but she's starting to get the idea now. She still does it when she's really wound up and wanting to play, but it's getting better.
Don't lay on the ground and let him do that, duh
Put your hair in a pony tail and keep it away from him..
If you are shedding so much that you hair is all over the house and he is finding and eating it, then you seriously need to vacuum..
When you are holding your puppy up by your face or playing with him, pin your hair up so that he can not reach it.
dont use lamb and rice flavored shampoo...
Pony tail.maybe it's the shampoo your useing he might like the teaste of it
He should outgrow this. Right now, he is fascinated with your scent, and since your hair smells like you, he just loves it. Try to keep him out of your hair, away from your head, and put away your brushes and things until he gets a little older. If you have hair in your bathroom trash can, try putting that can away in the cabinet where he can't get to it. Unless he is eating a LOT of hair, it shouldn't hurt him.
He is still a puppy and he has a lot of curiosity within him. Buy a toy for him to chew and DONT ALLOW him to eat you hair. Just scold him lovingly when he tries to eat your hair. He has a lot to learn since he is a puppy.
my puppy did this too.. you have to vaccume a ton to try and keep all the hair off the ground.. they have this arm and hammer no vaccume foam that pulls all the hair together and i just vaccume it all up after.. he's been fine ever since.. good luck!!!

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