Sunday, August 2, 2009

Have a problem with a dog that steals things from the neighbours.?

She is a beautiful retrevier with a realy gentle temperment but if she can lift it she takes it. I am a neighbour but am very fond of her
To cute. It is a retriever and she is retrieving what wonderful things..
Cool dog lol.
can you ask the dog to get me a dvd player next time its on its rounds.
There's an old saying: "Good fences make good neighbors."
Teach her to take cash.... and bring it to you. Treats work great with them.
LOL! How funny! I was rolling laughing! I really dont know what to do, maybe a fence! I guess until your dog starts bringing strange kids home, the police may stay off your back! I can see it now on the news.."Dog brings child home, istead of child bringing home a stray puppy!" Hey, if your neighbor borrows something, and never brings it back, you have it made! Hope things work out for ya!
Sounds funny! The neighbors should just learn not to leave stuff laying around.. lol
She is living up to her breed isn't she! If you catch her taking something that she shouldn't try firmly and loudly telling her no and see what happens. She doesn't know what she is doing is wrong if no one corrects her. If it doesn't work, make sure all your stuff is nailed down! LOL
hi, i hate to tell you, but theres nothing you can do, i have alot of experience with dogs and its part of their nature, but it will be easy to find your things the dog will always carry it off to were they call home as a way of claiming it as their own.
next time your dog brings something to you make sure you have take it very firmly away from her and make sure she can see it when you tell her off. make it loud and firmly tell the dog no.

do this a couple of times and hopefully after a while she'll get the idea.

tell the owner to play fetch with her as much as he/she can. every day at least three times to satisfy the fetch craving.
you can make sure that you have everything weighted down or put away dont leave anything out if she has nothing to take then she will stop trying
If you are the neighbour who owns it? Ask them to keep her more secure for HER sake. She's not really stealing she's doing what she was bred to do and just needs training which again should be the owners responsibility.
If you like her though and are willing to try then the basics are as follows. get some dog treats and when you see her go to pick something up tell her firmly, not loudly)'NO' and offer the treat. If she has already picked it up then call her to you and ask her to 'Give' or 'drop' and as soon as she releases it, give her the treat. After a short time just telling her what a 'good girl' she is should be all the reward she needs. A toy she is allowed can then be given so she learns that only certain things can be 'retrieved' She will soon learn and perhaps you could then show her owner how to do it too.
If she takes things when you are not there then I'm afraid there isn't much you can do.
No 'bad' dogs just 'bad' owners who don't understand their 'breeds'
LOL!!! ... i really dont know what to answer...get a higher fence i guess.LOL
Beautiful, gentle temperament, doesn't do anything wrong but blah blah blah. The dog isn't doing anything wrong, but you are. No matter the breed or how placid you believe the dog to be, the animal needs structure in it's life. Primarily a good pack leader that will give learning, motivation and if needed discipline. At the moment the dog is running your life because you have allowed her to become the pack leader. Do some reading, do some research, go to obedience classes. You don't have a four legged furry child, you have a dog. Treat it as such and get some help, either that or you are setting yourself up for years of heartache.

Take a look at this site it may help.
This is a natural instinct and you can't stop her from doing it - infact it would be unkind to stop her from retrieving things - after all, humans bred her specifically to obsessively collect and carry stuff around!
The only way to protect your things is to not leave them lying around, or ask your neighbours to stop her from wandering off their property.
That is why these dogs were bred ... living in a town these dogs can not show you what they were bred for

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